Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ta'Liana, Khajiit swordswoman for hire

Meet Ta'Liana. Like most Khajiit, she likes to talk in the third person.

Hello, dis one'z name is Ta'Liana. This one killz things for money. Or that would be the caze if she was being offered thingz to kill for ze money. However, this has not happened yet. She came to Zkyrim, seeking a chance to kill ze elvez. She hears they are not so liked here, and she would like to make ending them for good money. You zee, Thalmor are not zo nice back home, but little zhe can do there. But so far, all she get is sore feet. And for what?

 To end up lost, alone, in ze middle of the night, hungry, in a place that smells like bugz. That is... that is... let this one look at her map....

... Zee bumfug in ze middle of nowhere. And Ta'Liana doez not like zis bug smell, bringz back memories of mother's cooking. Maybe asking ze locals will find her ze work, yes?

 Ze orc... he haz nothing for me.

 Okay, Mr. Fur-in-a-jar, zis one waz not planning to mine, but she will bite. What iz zee problem with ze mine?

 Oh... oh my... :3

Zis soundz like a job for Ta'Liana, yes? She will help you. She seeks glory.

 And ze Ta'Liana is off to save ze day! Yez!

 And, maybe zis will be useful in ze mine.... one never knows....




 Hee hee... Ta'Liana may not like ze way they taste, but zay feel zqueeshy inbetween her toes.

 Well, zince Ta'Liana has ze unrestricted access to ze mine, she might as well make use of eet.

 Yes, Ta'Liana is ze greatest of Khajiit thieves, she shall steal gems from the Earth itself!

 Ta'Liana likez this... now, after robbing the Earth, Ta'Liana shall claim her rewardz.

 Yesss, and Ta'Liana wantz her reward. No, she wantz not just zeptims, but zee powers of your mind. She wantz your KNOWLEDGE, for GLORY! And to zpread her ztory throughout ze land.

 ... And Ta'Liana has magical Nord skillz now to make the steel better.

 Yes, it iz ze gloriouz day for Ta'Liana, nothing could ruin her mood. Nothing at all.

 A beautiful perfect day. She haz killed the zpider-bugz, she did not have to eat zem, and... what iz thiz?

 Oh... this is... he is... oh.....

 ... this is.... oh...

  FREE THINGZ!!!! Yay for the free thingz!!! Ze day just keepz getting better....


 Zis... What is Zis?

 Ze Legion? Zis legion, whatever it iz, it zounds very dangerouz. Zis one will be avoiding zem.

 What iz zis nagging feeling...

Oh... Zis one's mother told Ta'Liana about it... ze shoulder bird. Zere is a shoulder bird and a shoulder Lizard, and ze shoulder bird nags you until you do what it tellz you to do, and it won't shut up until you do, but you can't eat it... and it tellz me to tell ze town, to warn them of Legion.

 Oh, zo ze Nords have rocks for blood? Zis would make ze weaponz harder to hurt you. Too bad for ze guards. Guess they were not of ze Nords. All of you hairless Khajiit look ze zame to me. Oh well, I'll warn ze next town then.

 Zis one is zinging ze running zong... Zipadee do daa, zipadee ay....

 Oh.... oh iz zis town to warn...?

Hmm... Ta'Liana thinks maybe zis wazn't so friendly town. Oh well, hopefully next one actually willingly pay for her zervices.

To be continued....