Wednesday, August 7, 2013

*sigh* And now for the continuing adventures of Grida/Gilda Ogg, Maybe I'll luck out and you'll die off this time.

"Why you gotta be hating? What've I done to deserve the hate?"

Let's see, you've assaulted innocents, robbed from stores, killed a man's wife, done shrooms, you..

"Hold on there! I ain't done any shrooms!"

But, you were so excited about gathering all of them?

"Yes, but I ain't ate em yet. You want to have fun, you gotta save them all up and eat them all at once. I'm not going to waste the experience."

... so shrooms, avoided chances to help people, 

 "Shut up, Voice-in-my-head, there's a tower up here..."
Looks kind of like the one you cleared out when we first met...

"Similar, but not the same.."

How did you see him? He blended right in....

"Last one!"

Do you always have to off them once they start begging for mercy?

"Of course."

"Meh, loot's not as good in this one. Their lives weren't worth the cost of my arrows, this coin purse won't cover it.."

...such astounding morals you have.

"Well, time to leave.... there's only two options..."

Well, it's up the mountain, or back down, and back down leads to Riverwood, and you can't go back there.

"Heading back to Riverwood!"
What? Seriously? Just a short big ago you were run out of town, and you killed a guy's wife, and...
 "Hey, look! More shroomes!"
Are you listening to a word I'm saying?


Seriously, Gilda, you're just going waltz back into town?


Well, I'm glad you have at least some level of discern...

"I'm going to grab their fish for lunch first."

 "Sweet, sweet recently killed once-living things."
You make it sound so appetizing. XP

 "Hey look, one of the locals is willing to teach me to be better in Archery!"
You mean the same skill you used to kill one of the locals?

"Yep. And now.."

You can't be serious....

"Heh, my bad."

You're serious... why is he not chasing you?

 "Didn't you hear? They were arguing shortly before I 'fixed' the problem, heh. Now lets see what else I can find..."

 Please no...

"Hey, these look like those stones from earlier, but not...can they give me superpowers too?"

"Huh.... says here I can sell my soul.... meh, what do I got to lose?"

Wait? Souls? Plural? I WANT NO PART OF THIS!!

"Bah, thing's busted anyway. Good thing there's always more shrooms..."

You know, at this point, I'm fine with you being distracted by shrooms, I....

 ... why are we back in Riverwood?

"I didn't practice my 'acrobatics' here, duh. Everyone saw me go out the main exit, now I'm back in by a side path. Alibi!!!!"
 "Alright, Let's see what isn't nailed down..."

You can't be...
 ... that was fast.

"Gotta be fast to get in and out before anyone gets home."
 "Now for our next target..."

Can't you just leave these poor villagers in peace?

 "Hey, it's not my fault if they're not home to guard their.... oh... uh... hi... bye."

 "Leaving now..."
 "Hey, look, someone's breathing out here..."

It's more bandits...

 "You mean it WAS more bandits. What they think they're doing working on MY turf, huh?"

Maybe it balances out... maybe, with all the bandits you kill, maybe you'll end up reducing crime more than you create it, maybe...

"Yes! More gold! Gold is so much nicer than stuff, you don't need to find a fence for it."

... maybe you'll always be a bad example. 

 "So nice of them to make dinner for me..."

That's just looks... ewww....

 "You're right, it looks a little rare, I'll let it blacken just a little first."

That's not what I mea...
 -Slurp- "That's good, stomach full, bed now."

You ate that whole thing in one gulp? Hello? Hello?

So beautiful, so full of...
Wow, that was really unexpect...
"Specifically the type that walk on two legs and carry coinpurses."That, on the other hand, I should have seen coming...

 "Speaking of opportunities, I hear..."
 "... a mage's..."
 "...coinpurse hitting the ground. Let's check the one HE killed first."
Disguisting? Vile? Like the guy we killed was killing another guy who was harvesting people?
 "Looks like the one WE killed was a monk."
So wait, there were two mages fighting, and the holy monk one killed one that was carrying human body parts around, and then you killed that one?  YOU KILLED A HERO WHO WAS HUNTING DOWN VILLANS WHO WERE HARVESTING HUMANS?!?
"Looks like. Heros aren't as tough as the stories make them to be..... good to know."
 "Hey, what's that?"
It's a...
 "Don't care, it's mine."
 You are SO lucky it was empty.

 "Hey, is that a lone house over there without anybody around?"

Oh no...

 "Oh really, heh, well, then I'll just look around, and admire your loot... I mean home."
Seriously?  A little old lady? You're going to steal from...
 "Bah, nothing worthwhile..."Well, at least you're...
 "What do we have here?"It's probably just a storage celler...
"Where she keeps all her ****** loot!"

"Uh... this isn't what I was expecting..."

 "This isn't looking like a safe place to be...."Maybe I'll finally be rid of you...

 "Shrooms! Yay, I'll only take these, she'll never miss them, and then just sneak out of here, and out the door and..."
Yes, yes, finally, you'll...
 ... survive yet again... no fair.
 "Well, since I already dealt with the hard part, might as well take all the old lady's loot."

 "She even had some shrooms I missed! I've never even seen this kind before!"
You have a one track mind, you know.
"Hey, to be fair, it's two track. Shrooms, and money."
The fact that's your counterargument, I find disheartening.

 "You know what? There's this new little alcove just waiting for me... premisis recently vacated, a safe small basement... I know what its time for..."
 "Not to mention I have a new variety to try out! I'll try out ALL OF THEM!!!"

If I'm lucky, you'll OD...


*Two hours later*

"Where'd these new poisons come from?"
Apparently you concoct poisons when you're tripping. Is there any point when you're NOT a menace to society? 

 "Time to clear the head with a swim..."

 "What do we have here?"

 "Score!" luck?
Seriously? You're swimming over a waterfall, well, at least that's one way to be rid of you.

What does it take to kill you?

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure why but I like this character. Would never want to meet her, but I like reading about her adventures. Hope she last for quite some time, but I know she will die eventually as they all will.
