Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Time for our next adventurer, on Iron Skyrim!
A little more about how I'll be playing the characters.. in addition to "if they die, they're dead", and "random start", I'm also going for "staying in character". So if I get a mage, he's going to stay a mage. If I get a fighter, he'll stay a fighter. I'm also going to do a VERY short backstory, and try to play them in character according to their race, role, and short backstory I make up in my head. We saw that with our last adventurer, seeking answers till the end.

Now, we're on to our next...

Introducing Karik Wristcrack,  an Orc Monk (I'm already figuring poor Karik is doomed, what with the lack of unarmed/unarmored combat skill trees in Skyrim.)

Karik has recently arrived in Skyrim, intrigued by the culture, and wanting to learn from it, and is a peaceful (by orc standards) individual. (He's not allowed to slaughter unless others attempt to slaughter him first.)

"My pilgramage to Skyrim... finally I have arrived. I shall give thanks to the great ones for my safe arrival."

"Preaching to the choir, brother, preaching to the choir."

"It is time to be on my way. To explore this land the divines have given us, to sharpen my spirit."

"I shall trek into the wilderness, and find the answers to my soul here."

"Yes, I am lost in the woods, but in losing myself, I may find myself. So may be the divine's will."

"Here in the snow, I have found a path, and I shall follow it. There are no footprints... I shall find what answers lay along it."

"I have been lead to a fort. Maybe the divines have meant me to be here.... Excuse me, hello in there, have you found the love of Talo......."

"... apparantly not! I can come back later!"

"They're still after me! I can hear them! Divines, save me!"

"Maybe they won't follow me if its too much work?"

"Oh no! An ambush, please do not say the Divines have forsaken me!?!"


"From one spiritual person to another, I understand the need to preach. Since the divines sent you to save me, I shall listen to whatever you feel guided to say on their behalf. Praise be Stendarr!"

"The followers of Stendarr left the bandits. I shall take their supplies to donate to the temple later. but not the sword, I do not wish to carry such a token of violence."

"I smell food...cheese?... and I see signs of civilization... maybe the divines are leading me here?"

Karik approached the smell, it was delicious. It was then that Karik heard a sound coming through the trees. Before he could even act, a giant was upon him.

And so ended the legacy of Karik. Faithful to the end.

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