Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Welcome to IronSkyrim...
In this set of blogs, I will be playing Skyrim.... with a twist.
When a character dies, that character is dead. In life, there are no reloads, so why should these wannabe dragonborns get any different treatment? All characters will be randomly created, and make use of random start mods, and a collection of over 60 addiontal mods thrown on to make life more interesting. (Someday later, I may post a complete list, but that day is not today!) How will the stories go? Who knows!

Without further adieu, let's get moving with our first adventurer...

For the first character, we'll be seeing Arketh the Scarred, an Imperial apparently, an Archer by trade. He's doesn't look pleased, though who would be, when they wake up to...

"Ohh... my head... I... don't know how I got up here... wherever here is...."

"Okay, Solitude Lighthouse... I've seen this place before, but how did I get up here?
And more importantly, how did I get down?"
This thought was interrupted by a step backwards to admire the view, and a loud scream as there was nothing to step backwards onto.

"Huh... I expected a harsher landing.... I must admit, could have been worse.
Maybe someone inside knows something?"
"Hm... locked, guess they can't tell me..".
"Hey, look! A boat! Maybe one of them can tell me how I got here?"

"Hey look! Plants! Those are edible! I AM pretty hungry...."

"Blech... "

"Hey, I kinda got lost, and I'm feeling kinda sick, I was wondering if you guys could..."


"*GASP GASP GASP* And don't do that again!... wait... I guess they won't..."
That sounded cooler in my head...
"...well, waste not, want not..."

"Well, their duds make me look a little more cool... but not by much..."

"I wonder what's inside that they were so intent on guarding?"

"Oh... my gosh... I've stumbled on a pirate ship!
Wait... was I guarding that lighthouse?
Did I lose memories after falling off?
Did pirates land here while I was out?
I have to DO something!"

"Hey look, they left some gear lying around... I should deck myself out before facing them...."
"Meh, not the most stylish, but its warm."

"Little do you know, scum, that line of yours just got rid of any sympathy you'll get from me!
Just a little more sneaking, and I'll have you!"

"Oh.. dear gosh... thank goodness that was the last of them, I have one health potion left...."

"Hello... please tell me you were a maiden in distress that they had captured?
Oh no...."

And so ends the legend of Arketh the Scarred,
May he be remembered as the first who gave his life,
trying to stop the infamous Pirate Raid on Solitude in the first year.

May he be remembered as one of the Empire's finest.

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